Tuesday, March 2, 2010

first med-surg exam of the semester...

my stomach butterflies are having quite a lively game of volleyball right now. i don't why i always have small panic attacks before my nursing tests. they say that mild anxiety is good because it helps you stay focused and allows you to block out any distractors. but right now the last thing i want to do is study. I've read and reread my drug cards and now i can't look at them anymore. I've taken and retaken the online quizzes until i know all the questions and answers by heart. now I've got about 35 minutes to kill before i can go take the exam.

and it's not helping that my study partner is telling me about how this professor loves to ask obscure questions on material that hasn't' really been covered...

1 comment:

halfshared said...

Good luck!!! Thinking of you. Let us know how it went...