Friday, March 21, 2008

why do ppl get so annoyed that i don't use capitals?

my teachers always told me i don't have any self-esteem because i write my "i"s in lowercase. but anyone who knows me even faintly well can tell them that's so not true because my ego is bigger than the grand canyon.

my friend hates it that in my phone book on my phone i don't capitalize names. she says something about how it commands respect for other people when you do it. (i think she got that from a story about a rabbi who had everyone in his phone book written with R' in front of it, or something)

but it's such a waste of time to capitalize names and the beginning of sentences.


Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I noticed you don't capital your "I"'s.
I wouldn't say its a lack of ego. More like a personality thing. Everyone writes differently. But some people may think its the proper thing to do, to capitalize letters.
But then on formal papers, like tests and stuff, you capitalize?
I actually noticed some professors capitalize everything, I'm guessing they do it so that it should be easy to read.

frumskeptic said...

:) I hate having to worry about capitalization or punctuation, but it became such a habit due to the fact that I ama philosophy major and have to write too many papers for my own health...

Anyway...about not capitalizing your "I's" i actually heard that it means you are humble ... so, if someone tells you you have low self-esteem (even though you know you dont) just be like "no you idiot, I'm just not so in your face about it like you are :)"


frumcollegegirl said...

ooh good one, i'll have to try it on the next person who tells me that...

Looking Forward said...

i used to never capitalize my "i"s

sometimes when writing just for myself i still do, and always when writing by hand.

However, I've written enough papers and had to correct them enough that at this point my teacher's have beaten in to me the "capitalize your I's" thing, so I do it now.

But not when writting by hand, and not when I'm stressed out, and usualy every single paper includes one non-capitalized I.

But I think the point of capitalizing letters at the begining of sentences is to make it more clear that you're begining a new thought, because the period is just so small, kind of like many pirushim or prayers are printed with the first word of a passage very big, so that you know clearly that its a new thought.

frumcollegegirl said...

oh no the papers i have to hand in for school are always properly punctuated. i'm talking about texting, emails, blogging...